Get Involved Helping Refugees
and Asylum Seekers
RIM is looking for volunteers to help in the following areas:
Publicity - Help get RIM's name out there.
Events - Our events are increasing - we are looking for new members to assist with the planning of our annual international dinner in the fall/winter, and our annual international concert in the spring. We meet once a month in the RIM office in Malden, MA. Also, clusters are looking for people who want to work on local events.
Fundraising - RIM is always looking for fund raising volunteers to participate in the appeals for donations that RIM undertakes each year.
English as a Second Language (ESOL) Tutors - We will provide training and materials for you to tutor students in ESOL in the RIM office or in local congregations.
Spiritual Care Givers - We offer a 28-hr training program for those who wish to visit immigrant detainees. We are collaborating with several organizations to offer this listening-based service.
Clusters - We welcome those who would like to serve a local cluster on its steering committee or in any of its sub-committees. We need people who will help steer the cluster as well as those who can only commit to helping here and there.
Please fill out the volunteer application or contact Ruth Bersin if you are interested in any of these opportunities.
Volunteer Opportunities
Interested in Getting Involved with RIM?
Make a donation
RIM's Board of Directors and Staff acknowledge the generosity and support of our donors who make possible the serving of some of the most vulnerable people in our midst.
Refugee Immigration Ministry is a 501(c)3 Agency which serves immigrants who are seeking asylum. Each client must be legally and medically cleared prior to acceptance in RIM's programs. RIM does not allow clients to send money overseas nor does RIM support any other program. Ninety-three percent of funds raised are used directly for client care and program. Only 7 percent is used for administrative overhead and fundraising. This is far below the national accepted average.